Your all-in-one social media marketing tool


social media tool

One Platform

From one social media tool you can schedule posts to Facebook and Twitter, source articles to share, get alerts of brand mentions, create vouchers and sell online.

Scheduled Posts

It is almost impossible to be online every time you're due to post. With Cool Socials you can schedule your posts weeks in advance!

Articles Feed

Cool Socials makes it easy to find articles to share. Simply add your favourite news sites to your dashboard, then scroll and click on the articles you want to share. Article shares can also be scheduled!

Content Banners

Get the most out of sharing articles. Place your own banner at the bottom of the content when users click on your link!

Post Analytics

See which posts have gotten the most likes, shares, retweets and favourites. Discover what has worked best and simply do more of them.

Brand Monitoring

People are talking about your brand. Whether it's complaints, compliments or questions. Get alerts of brand mentions so you can reply quickly and please customers.

Vouchers and Contests

Vouchers and contests are powerful marketing tools. They allow you to drive customers into your business and create excitement around your brand. They also allow you to collect the emails of interested persons, who you can then market to again and again.

Email Integration

Cool Socials integrates with both Constant Contact and MailChimp. Collect emails from vouchers or contests and have those emails automatically added to your mailing list software.

Social eCommerce

Over 1,000,000 Jamaicans are on Facebook alone. We make it easy to create listings and sell on social media.